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The House that
Jesus Built

The Biblical Shape of the Earth


An Intelligent Alternative Design



It is said that the Bible is not a science book. That is true. Science books were written by men attempting to describe the things of God, while at the same time, removing God from the equation. The Bible does not function on such illogic. It has never issued a second, third or fourth edition. The Bible does not waiver or change based on scientific trends or theories of the day, for the Bible is ultimate truth and ultimate truth cannot change. 

According to John 1, Hebrews 1 and Colossians 1, Jesus is the maker of all things and Romans 1 says that we can get to know the Creator through the things that were made. If Jesus is the Creator and we can get to know the Creator through the creation, should we not study what that creation is according to scripture?

This book was written to demonstrate that the world we are shown on screens and in textbooks is provably fake. Not only is it fake, but it is designed in a way as to diminish and discredit the character of God, keeping Christians from knowing the true nature of Jesus and non-Christians from ever meeting him at all. 


Hence, it should not surprise us to find out that Jesus himself disagreed with the modern science’s presentation of this world. The fact that Jesus and the Bible oppose modern science should not deter us as modern Christians. It should empower us to investigate the claims of modern science, knowing that if the two diverge, there is likely a sinister agenda beneath the surface. 


The devil has infiltrated the sciences of Geology and Biology with evolution, forcing Christians to embrace the either Bible or science. Do we really think he has not corrupted Cosmology in the same way? 

Years of research across many different topics has yielded me two undeniable facts. One, the experts are not any closer to the available evidence than we are, and two, the Bible is never wrong. If we can approach this topic without bias, we will find that there is an Intelligent Alternative Design waiting to be revealed. A design that does not require us to ignore evidence or embrace non-Christian ideals.  There is an Intelligent Design that articulates the perfect character of an All-Loving Creator and functions in the beauty and nature of the architect himself, Jesus Christ.  

Only read the book if you want your universe to shrink, your world to grow, and the Bible to fall in line with your senses.

-Matt Long



Matt Long is a Christian, and a father of 7 that has been researching the topic of Flat Earth and Biblical Cosmology since 2015.  In his twenties, Matt struggled to believe the Bible due to the fanciful creations of modern science.  Matt believes the subject of this book is one that brings non-believers to Christ by removing the stumbling block of modern science that so many people struggle with.  

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